Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Display your favorite fashions

I have so many favorite adds from all the fashion magazines. I like to rip out the ones that inspire me, the ones whose outfits I want to replicate ,and the cool high fashion ones. I had an empty cornisboard over my window, and my mom suggested putting the magazine pictures on it. At first I was wary of it looking cheap, but it looks so cool. So, now I have an inspiration board over my window. I also have a couple pictures on the back of my door, and a collage on some of my school binders. (I went a little magazine crazy!). You can change the pictures whenever the fads change, or whenever you find one you like better than the ones you already have. You have to make sure you don't go way overboard :), or you'll look like you live in a fashion magazine printing office. It's a really trendy, cheap way to decorate your room to show your style and fashion preferences.   

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